

カワイ 基礎化粧品3アイテム

洗顔 & 化粧水 & クリーム
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Company overview/会社概要


皮膚と誠実に向きあい続けて45年、長年、皮膚科学に基づき、カワイのこれまでの研究、成果と技術で、肌表面だけ でなく、肌の内部から真剣に見つめ直し、こだわり抜いたテクスチャーと処方を行いま した。皆様と共に進化し続けます。“お肌がきれいになった・・・”のお声を糧に創業45年、沢山のお肌のトラブルと向き合い、0才~90代まで、年齢も様々なお肌 を見てまいりました。 どんな方でも、どんなお肌の方でも、行着くところは、 正しい美容学=肌の生まれ変わりが正しく行われているかどうか。 この基本的な積み重ねが、健康な肌へと導き、美しさを手に入れることができることを 日々、実感しております。 特別なケアはいりません。 シンプルにすることが、健康なお肌への近道です。

For 45 years, sincerely facing the skin, for many years, based on dermatology, Kawai's past achievements, research, achievements and technologies have not only focused on the skin surface but also the inside of the skin and seriously reexamined and stuck Texture and prescription. Continue to evolve with you.With the voice of “Your skin is beautiful ...”, we have been faced with a lot of skin problems since our founding for 45 years. Wherever you go, no matter what kind of skin you get, the right skin care means that your skin is reborn properly. Every day, I realize that this basic accumulation can lead to healthy skin and obtain beauty. No special care is required. Keeping it simple is a shortcut to healthy skin.

Organic Products

The products available at our store are 100% organic and healthy for you.


Our beauty and skin care products can save you a lot of money


Our advertisements do not include unreasonable promises


美しさを育む”カワイ化粧品 スキンケア―3アイテム”洗顔・化粧水・クリームのカワイ化粧品が長年にわたり培ってきた経験とデーターをもとに作り上げてきた製品です。"Kawaii cosmetics, skin care-3 items", "Kawaii cosmetics for facial cleansing, lotion and cream" that nurture beauty are products that have been created based on the experience and data cultivated over many years.

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Rediscover the pleasure of taking care of your skin. Enjoy our 100% natural superfatted soaps either upon awakening, for their invigorating and rejuvenating properties; or evening, to ease physical and mental tension accumulated during the day. Natural Cosmetics offers a range of enriched soaps with essential oils and plant oils.

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Change your lifestyle/変われる私のコスメライフ


Purchasing our 100% natural soaps is a first step towards a healthier lifestyle

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